One Thing You Should NOT Be Focusing On At Your Child Custody Hearing

Apr 19, 2018

In this weeks video I want to talk to you about the one thing that you should not be focusing on when you go into court for your custody trial. This is a lesson I learned in a trial I had just last week. In this case my client had had pretty limited parenting time with his 2 kids a little more than a year. He went back to court and was asking the court to award him equal time.

This is a lesson I learned in a trial I had just last week. In this case my client had had pretty limited parenting time with his 2 kids a little more than a year. He went back to court and was asking the court to award him equal time.

Fortunately he emerged victorious. One of the things that emerged during the trial that became apparent was that the other party was very focused on being in opposition to my client’s request for more time with his 2 kids. And the reason why she was opposed is because it was going to negatively affect her.

When she got on the stand she talked about how bad for her for reasons X,Y & Z. The judge ruled in that case at the bench right after we finished presenting evidence. We didn’t have to wait a couple of months to get the judges decision. The judge noted when he was making the comments to the parties and the attorneys afterwards, that mother was very focused on herself.

 The thing that you always have to remember is that the focus should always be on the best interest of your children. So when you are making an argument either in writing or when you are sitting on the stand, talk about how the changes you are proposing or that the other party is proposing is going to affect the kids.

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