My EX Wants to Relocate Our Children in Our Child Custody Case!
May 11, 2018One of my viewers who is facing what she calls a move away trial in just a couple of weeks. In this case her ex is trying to relocate the children to some other place, a different city or state or even country from where the children are currently residing.
The thing that you have to remember in relocation cases is like any other custody or parenting time case the judge is going to look at the best interest factors I've talked a lot about. But on top of that , in relocation cases there probably are additional factors that the judge is going to need to hear about in making a decision about relocation. For example in Arizona there are special factors that apply in relocation cases that a judge is going to want to hear about.
Some examples of those factors are whether the relocation request is being made in good faith or whether it's being opposed in good or bad faith. The judge is going to look at the prospect for improving the quality of life that the relocation may offer the child and the other parent but also will want to know about where the child is going to go to school. Also they will check to see if they're allowed to relocate, where they're going to live and what the neighborhood's like.
So all of these things in Arizona are highly relevant and if you don't present them in Arizona then it could be a problem if you're the parent seeking to relocate. I would encourage you to look at the law in your state and and find out what additional factors you have to address in making your relocation case or opposing the relocation case. If you are opposing a relocation case you still have to look at those best interest factors that apply. Generally in custody cases but also in relocation cases and you have to present the relevant factors and the relevant information to the court. If you don't give the judge this information, the judge is not going to have what he or she needs to make a decision that's in the best interest of your children.
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