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Yes, you CAN confidently navigate the courtroom during your child custody hearing or trial.

You don't need to be a lawyer to understand the rules of the courtroom. 
Learn the basics in just a couple of hours with the

Trial Prep Bootcamp

  • You may not be able to ask your questions if you don't ask them the "right" way?

  • Even if you bring evidence or submitted it before trial, a judge still may not consider it unless you follow special rules?

  • Witnesses who have something important to say are not allowed to testify unless you have laid the groundwork BEFORE your trial date?

  • If you don't follow the judge's orders about uploading or marking your evidence before trial, you may not be able to use it at all?

  • If you fail to submit a pre-trial statement, you could be waiving your positions at trial?

    Making even just ONE of these mistakes could be devastating to your child custody case, but it does not have to happen.

  The "Trial Prep Bootcamp" online course will help you:

  • Gain Crucial Knowledge: Understand the order of a trial, direct vs. cross-examination, and the intricacies of presenting your case.

  • Build Confidence: Enter the courtroom feeling prepared and composed, knowing you're well-versed in the procedures.

  • Effectively Present Evidence: Learn the correct methods for admitting and objecting to exhibits to strengthen your case.

  • Improve Your Credibility: Demonstrate to the judge and opposing counsel that you are serious and well-prepared.

  • Reduce Anxiety: Being prepared reduces stress, allowing you to present your case more effectively.

  • Save Time and Resources: Learn efficient pre-trial preparation techniques to make the most of your time and effort.

  • Maximize Your Chances: With expert guidance, improve your chances of a favorable outcome in the custody of your children.

The one-time investment of $297 is a minor cost considering the fact that your relationship with your children is at risk.

Click the BUY button below to enroll in the "Trial Preparation Bootcamp" NOW.

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Here's What's Included with the Trial Prep Bootcamp Online Course


Lifetime Online Access

During the Trial Prep Bootcamp, you will get a crash course on the courtroom basics you MUST know including:
  •  Trial Flow

  •  Opening Statements

  •  Direct Examination

  •  Cross-Examination

  •  Evidence

  •  Objections

  •  Witness Preparation

  •  Trial Organization

  •  And More!

  • PLUS you'll get automatic enrollment in course updates, new bonuses and supplemental information as released.
  • 24/7 Online Access from your desktop, from your phone, or from the Command the Courtroom app!

    If you're headed to court in your custody case, it's about more than just knowing about the child custody laws in your jurisdiction. 

    You MUST know how the judge will run your trial.

    Gain access to that knowledge by signing up for the Two Hour Trial Prep Bootcamp NOW.

    Click the link below to BUY.


I Want to Share a True Story

Years ago, I saw a friend of a friend in the courthouse as we were both riding upstairs in the elevator. She was on her way to her custody trial and representing herself. My friend asked me for "elevator advice" on the one thing to do that could make a difference in her case.

During the short elevator ride, I told her to be sure to ADMIT her evidence. I told her a couple of key things that would help her get her evidence admitted. I cautioned my friend if her evidence was not admitted, her judge would not be able to consider it in making his decision.

A couple of weeks later, I reached out to the friend and asked how her trial had gone. 

She told me it had gone AMAZING and that she had gotten the custody and parenting time orders she wanted. She then shared that ALL of her evidence was considered because she actually asked to have it admitted AND the judge admitted it! 

Not so regrettably for my friend, the judge didn't consider ANY of her ex's evidence because he had no clue that he even HAD to admit it.

This one piece of information saved my friend, and it saved her children. 

For more tips like this, sign up for the Trial Prep Bootcamp now by clicking the BUY button below.


Frequently Asked Questions

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Benefits of Taking the Trial Prep Bootcamp Online Course

  1. Gain Crucial Knowledge: Understand the order of a trial, direct vs. cross-examination, and the intricacies of presenting your case.📝

  2. Build Confidence: Enter the courtroom feeling prepared and composed, knowing you're well-versed in the procedures.🤟🏻

  3. Effectively Present Evidence: Learn the correct methods for admitting and objecting to exhibits to strengthen your case.📌

  4. Improve Your Credibility: Demonstrate to the judge and opposing counsel that you are serious and well-prepared.🥸

  5. Reduce Anxiety: Being prepared reduces stress, allowing you to present your case more effectively.🌈

  6. Save Time and Resources: Learn efficient pre-trial preparation techniques to make the most of your time and effort.⏰

  7. Maximize Your Chances: With expert guidance, improve your chances of a favorable outcome in the custody of your children.💪🏼

    Don't wait until the eve of trial to prepare. Get started by clicking the BUY button below.

Hi, I'm Wendy.

My name is Wendy Hernandez, and I'm the founder and creator of Command the Courtroom. I've been a practicing attorney in Arizona since 1996. Family law is the primary focus of my private practice which I started in 1999.

I have tried thousands of cases in the courtroom and appear in front of judges on a regular basis. I have made and learned from my mistakes over many years. Because I am tired of seeing the unfairness that families suffer when parties are not educated about the child custody and family law system, I am on a mission to change the landscape in the courtroom for people who need help.

I went into the practice of law to seek fairness for all, and because that does not always happen, I want to do my part in closing the gap between what I see happening in the courtroom and what should be happening.

I am your guide, and I want to help you. The best way I know how to help is by sharing the knowledge I have obtained from the law school education I received (from the University of Notre Dame) and from 27 years of lessons from the school of hard knocks. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I made, so I'm sharing the wisdom I have gained. I want to empower you to learn the information you need to know in the shortest amount of time possible. 

I am here for you.



Chris P.

I want to say thank you. I just won a relocation case yesterday. My ex wanted to move the kids to her new hubbys house. I watch a bunch of videos from your page, many of which I reminded myself of during court. Primarily things like being fair in your demands and staying on the judge's good side. I'm not sure I'd of composed myself the same way without some of them, as this was very emotional for me and my girls. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I had a very difficult and long case, and Wendy handled it with the utmost professionalism, knowledge and dedication. Wendy and her staff were very responsive to me and my questions and responded to all necessary court requirements. In court, Wendy was fantastic as her long experience would suggest and demonstrated her clear understanding of family law, and she examined each witness to maximum effect. My case was very complicated, but due to Wendy's excellent representation I was given sole decision making and extremely fair parenting time. My outcome was much better than I expected, and I would recommend Wendy to anyone who is going through a divorce

Josh W.

I just went to court and all your tips helped me in Illinois. I was pro se and was able to present a competent case.

Ashley M.

Just wanted to send the order over. I'm really happy. I got almost everything I wanted! Thank you for all your help with everything. :)